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CREC Renovation

Request a Cooking Class or Demo

Request a Cooking Class or Demo

Participants experience a cooking class at the Recreation and Wellness Center.

Use numbers only, no dashes or spaces. Ex: 4024723467

Preferred method of contact: Required

What type of class are you looking for? Required

Select one of the following "Appetizers & Snacks" menu options: Required
Select one of the following "Cooking for Beginners" menu options: Required
Select one of the following "Cooking for Heart Health" menu options: Required
Select one of the following "Cooking on a Budget" menu options: Required
Select one of the following "Fakeout Takeout" menu options: Required
Select one of the following "Instant Pot Cooking" menu options: Required
Select one of the following "Sustainability Cooking" menu options: Required
Select one of the following "Plant-based Cooking" menu options: Required

Specific Time of Request Required
Please select the hour and minute interval of your anticipated request. If you would like to request a class for 5 p.m., you must select "5" and "00" for the form to submit properly.

Preferred Date 1 Required
Preferred Date 2 Required
Preferred Date 3 Required