Spirit of Competition
- Modern team sport activities find their origin in the basic human need for play. Winning and losing are mere outcomes of this play spirit. Abusive language, poor attitude, and manipulation of the rules to further winning are NOT just 'part of the game'. What is 'part of the game' is the simple satisfaction of playing and the interdependence of teamwork, improving fitness, and enhancing friendships. Without your opponent, you have no game, no contest, and absolutely no fun. You are indebted to your opponent as they are indebted to you. In a fundamental way, then, competing against an opponent is based on cooperation. Upholding high standards of integrity and fair play acknowledges this idea of cooperative competition. An intentional violation of the rules, no matter how small, is cheating and a direct offense against these principles. The goal of the NU Intramural Sports Program is to promote lifetime skills through the venue of sports that offer meaning beyond that of a win or a loss, the memory of which quickly fades. All players are expected to play within the context of the NU Intramural Sports Program's Spirit of Competition.
Team Sportsmanship Rating System
- The development of team and individual sportsmanship is of fundamental importance in all intramural sports activities. The Sportsmanship Rating System is intended to be an objective scale by which teams' attitude and behavior can be assessed throughout the intramural sports league and playoff seasons. Behavior before, during, and after an intramural sport contest is included in the rating. The team manager is responsible for education and informing all players and spectators affiliated with their team about the system. To encourage acceptable conduct before, during, and after intramural sports contests, officials and/or supervisors shall make decisions whether to warn, penalize, or eject persons for poor sportsmanship.
- A team is responsible for the actions of the individual team members and spectators related to it. The team manager's efforts in assisting officials/staff to calm difficult situations and to restrain troubled teammates are key to controlling team conduct. Intramural sports officials and/or staff assistants shall determine acceptable and unacceptable team ratings. Appeals for unacceptable ratings will not be recognized. The Intramural Sports Assistant Director and/or Coordinator will determine season ending ratings. The Intramural Sports Program staff also reserve the right to review any rating given to a team. Regardless of the division or league, teams displaying good sportsmanship and receiving an acceptable rating throughout the league and playoff seasons will be eligible for complimentary awards and discounts.
- Acceptable Sportsmanship Rating Behavior
- Team members cooperate with and demonstrate good sportsmanship toward members of both teams, spectators, and all IM staff and officials.
- Team captain exhibits control over their team and spectators, converses reasonably and rationally with officials about rule interpretations/calls, and cooperates by providing any information requested by an IM official/staff.
- Team members participate in the spirit and intent of the intramural sport game rules and/or program policies. Team members accept judgment decisions made by the officials during the contest.
- Respect is shown for NU Campus Recreation facilities and equipment.
- Unacceptable Sportsmanship Rating will be given as a result of the following:
- Any player that is ejected for un sportsmanlike conduct.
- Any technical fouls for un sportsmanlike conduct and/or multiple un sportsmanlike penalties given (three un sportsmanlike situations in one game results in forfeiture of the contest).
- Participants/Spectators who continually complained about officials' decisions and displayed dissension. Complaints include both verbal and nonverbal behavior. Excessive arguing between opposing teams/spectators might also lead to an unacceptable rating.
- Team captain (spokesperson) exhibited little control over their team and spectators, conversed in a dissenting manner with officials about rule interpretations/calls and did not cooperate. Did not provide information requested by any intramural sports official/staff while performing duties.
- Team members did not meet eligibility requirements for participation in the NU Intramural Sports Program.
- Team members played with participants who were on the outstanding ejection list or had been suspended from participation in the Intramural Sports Program.
- Public indecency, vulgarity, or obscenity.
- Individuals/teams played after the consumption of alcohol/drugs. If the contest has begun when this is discovered, the player(s) will be immediately removed from the facility, and the contest will be forfeited to the opponent.
- Physical abuse by participants/spectators in the form of fighting and/wrestling with an opponent and/or teammate which occurred before, during, or after an Intramural Sports contest.
- Any threatening behavior (verbal and/or nonverbal) to any NU Intramural Sports or Campus Recreation employee, participant, or spectator which occurred before, during, or after an Intramural Sports contest.
- Damage to or destruction of any NU or NU Campus Recreation facilities or equipment.
- Any violation of the NU Student Code of Conduct.
- Failure to attend required captain's meeting.
- Consequences of Unacceptable Rating
- Team is suspended until the captain/manager meets with the Assistant Director or Coordinator for Intramural Sports. It is the captain's responsibility to call (472-8383) and schedule a meeting with the Assistant Director or Coordinator for Intramural Sports. A team is ineligible for any intramural sport competition until this meeting occurs. If the captain fails in their obligation to schedule an appointment the captain will be placed on the outstanding ejection list and will be ineligible to compete in Intramural Sports until such meeting has taken place.
- Regardless of the length of the season or tournament, two unacceptable ratings will be equivalent to a season ending rating, and the team will automatically be dropped from further competition.
- Season Ending Sportsmanship Rating Behavior
- Team was uncooperative and out of control before, during, or after intramural sports contest(s).
- Team captain (spokesperson) exhibited poor control over self, the team, and/or the spectators.
- Multiple ejections or blatant un sportsmanlike conduct that endangered participants, fans, officials, or supervisors occurred.
- Team failed to cooperate/comply with intramural sports administrative staff/University officials while performing their duties; falsely represented or withheld any requested information.
- A team received a second unacceptable rating in the same sport or activity.
- A season ending sportsmanship rating can not be appealed or protested.
- Teams were unable to continue play and the contest was stopped before its scheduled conclusion.
- Teams receiving an unacceptable sportsmanship rating in a weekend tournament will be eliminated from further competition regardless of the contest's outcome.
- Consequences of a Season Ending Sportsmanship Rating
- Team will be automatically dropped from any further intramural sports competition.
- Future eligibility in the NU Intramural Sports Program of all team players will be reviewed.
- Teams failing to attend the required captain's meeting will be ineligible for playoffs.
Individual Player Conduct
- If an NU Intramural Sports Program participant is ejected from any intramural sport contest, they will immediately be ineligible from further access to and competition in any intramural sports activity and other Campus Recreation programs and facilities until they have met with the Assistant Director for Intramural Sports or designee. Player suspensions will be effective after the meeting with the Assistant Director or designee (i.e., no self-imposed or conduct decision or suspensions are permitted). It is the participant's responsibility to schedule an appointment with the Assistant Director or designee to review the player's behavior and subsequent eligibility in the NU Intramural Sports Program. Failure to schedule a meeting will result in the incident being forwarded to NU Student Judicial Affairs. Any participant who commits, incites, or aids others in committing any of the following acts of misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary procedures:
- Player or spectator hits, strikes, or pushes an NU Campus Recreation employee--indefinite suspension. Player may petition for reinstatement to the Assistant Director for Intramural Sports after a minimum of one calendar year.
- Hitting or striking another player or spectator--indefinite suspension; minimum six months.
- Threatening behavior (verbal or physical) before, during, or after a contest toward a Campus Recreation employee (student or professional)--indefinite suspension; minimum one month.
- Threatening behavior (verbal or physical) before, during, or after a contest toward another player or spectator--indefinite suspension; minimum one month.
- Verbally abusing an official or any other Campus Recreation employee--indefinite suspension; minimum one week.
- Verbally abusing an opponent or teammate--indefinite suspension; minimum one week.
- Action(s) which could potentially cause equipment or facility damage and/or personal injury--indefinite suspension; minimum one week.
- Team players and managers are expected to be cooperative and honest when asked for assistance in identifying teammates or opponents who may be involved in incidents. Failure to do so may result in a team and/or individual penalty including game or season forfeiture.
- Failure to cooperate with NU or Campus Recreation staff (i.e., giving name, completing forms, etc.) after ejection--minimum 2 weeks and game forfeiture.
- Any person entering/using NU Campus Recreation facility illegally, using an assumed name, or using an NU photo I. D. illegally will be declared ineligible for all Campus Recreation programs and/or facilities for at least 7 days (University holidays and breaks will not count toward suspension).
- Illegally playing for more than one team--player ineligible for the remainder of that activity and each team forfeits all games in which the illegal player participated (forfeit fees lost accordingly).
- Personal conduct situations not covered herein will be handled in an appropriate manner by the Assistant Director for Intramural Sports or designee.