Allowable Protests
Allowable protests include: player eligibility, rule interpretation, and rule application. Official's decisions, interpretations, judgments, or applications may not be protested beyond the limits imposed by the rules of the game or event (i.e., prior to the next pitch, prior to the next serve, prior to the ball becoming live following the call in question, etc.) Decisions regarding disciplinary actions may not be protested.
Eligibility Protest
All eligibility protests must be brought to the attention of the on-site Intramural Sports Staff Assistant and filed in writing at Campus Recreation with the $10.00 protest fee by 1:00 pm the day following the game in question. While at the game site, suspected eligibility infractions should be brought to the attention of the Intramural Sports Staff Assistant and/or game official(s). The protest fee will be refunded if the protest is upheld.
Rule Application and Interpretations Protest
Team captains/managers must lodge their protest to the game official(s) and/or the Intramural Staff Assistant prior to the next pitch, serve, play, etc. following the call in question. The Staff Assistant and/or official(s) must then notify the opposing team captain/manager that the game is under protest. The game official(s) will contact the Intramural Staff Assistant for a ruling on site. If, after the Intramural Staff Assistant has given their ruling, the captain/manager still wants to protest the call, the manager must tell the Intramural Staff Assistant that the team is playing the remainder of the game under protest. The game should be stopped immediately to record important basic information. The team then has until 1:00 pm the day following the game to file a written protest to Campus Recreation, 56 Campus Recreation Center with a $10.00 protest fee. The fee will be refunded only if the protest is upheld by the Assistant Director for Intramural Sports or designee. Winning teams may not file written protests concerning rule applications or interpretations.
Written Protest
Written protests should contain the following basic information:
A. Name, address and phone number of person filing the protest.
B. Specific information concerning the incident (i.e., eligibility restriction violated, names of players involved, rule misapplied, etc.).
Be sure to inform the Intramural Sports Staff Assistant on-site that the protest will be filed. Upon receipt of the protest by the Intramural Sports Program staff, the information contained in the protest will be clarified and sufficient time, not to exceed 24 hours, will be allowed for contacting other involved personnel (i.e., officials, staff assistants, supervisors, and members of the opposing team or the individual in violation). When the staff is satisfied that the necessary information has been gathered, an administrative decision will be made as to whether or not the protest is upheld or denied. Protests (except eligibility) which occur during weekend tournaments will be settled on site by the Intramural Sports Staff Assistant whose decision(s) is final.
If protest is upheld...
1) If a protest is upheld and a game is re-played, all eligible players on the team's roster may participate in the game;
2) If the game is a play-off game, the players must meet the eligibility requirements under the Articles of Eligibility.
Appeal Process
If the person filing the protest is still not satisfied with the decision reached, they may file an appeal with the Campus Recreation Advisory Council (CRAC). CRAC will then make a decision as to whether or not the protest will be upheld.
The CRAC President or designee will act as chairperson when hearing an appeal. A hearing shall be held as soon as possible after the decision of the Intramural Sports Program staff. The hearing shall be audio and/or video tape recorded. In the case of mechanical malfunction, notes will be taken by the CRAC Secretary or designee.
Hearing procedures: The chairperson will bring to the hearing the incident report, the game score sheet, and written statements from anyone asked to attend but unable to do so.
The agenda for each hearing is as follows:
- Introduction of persons in attendance.
- Description of the incident read by the chairperson.
- Reports by officials and supervisors.
- Response by appellant(s).
- Reports by witnesses/representatives.
- Comments and questions by board members.
- Additional comments by witnesses/representatives.
- Additional comments by officials/supervisors.
- Additional comments by appellant(s).
- Closing comments by chairperson.
Thus everyone at the hearing is allowed two opportunities to speak. At the beginning of each hearing, those in attendance will be advised of these procedures and asked to respect the rights of others by adhering to the agenda and not responding spontaneously to testimony. The chairperson's closing comments include a general statement of what possible action may be taken by the Council and how the appellant(s) will be notified of the decision. All persons other than Council members shall leave the room prior to the discussion and the vote of the Council.
The appellant(s) may be represented by a maximum of three (3) members, one (1) of whom shall be designated as the spokesperson for the group. Members of the opposing team may also be represented by a maximum of three (3) team members.
The Council shall reach a decision by a majority vote of the members present but a minimum of more than half of the members must be in attendance before the hearing can be conducted. The CRAC President or designee shall inform the spokesperson of the appellant(s) of the Council's decision within seven days following the hearing. A record of the Council proceedings shall be maintained for a period of 30 days.