If a team cannot avoid forfeiting a contest, common courtesy would require the opponent and the Asst. Dir. for Intramural Sports be notified prior to the playing time of the contest.
If a team or contestant fails to appear at the appointed place at the scheduled time, the Intramural Sports Staff Assistant will declare to the contestant or team ready to play that they can win the contest by forfeit. Game time is forfeit time, however, the team captain or contestant who is ready to play may choose to give the opponent 10 minutes. If the team or contestant is still not able to play after the 10 minute extension, a forfeit will be declared. If the 10 minute extension is granted, contest playing time will be reduced by 10 minutes or by whatever portion of 10 minutes which was used to avoid a forfeit. If neither team is ready to play at game time a 10-minute grace period will automatically afforded both teams.
- For individual and dual contests, the winner(s) by forfeit must report the forfeit win to the Intramural Staff Assistant on site prior to leaving. Failure to do so may jeopardize the individual's or team's advancement to the succeeding round of the activity.
- For team activities, all the participants' names of the team that is ready to play must be recorded on the proper score sheet. This team must demonstrate to the officials and Staff Assistant that they have enough players to properly start a contest. Then, and only then, will the forfeit be recorded as a victory.
- If both teams or contestants fail to arrive at the designated time and place, a double forfeit will be recorded and the contest will not be rescheduled.
- Two forfeits by any one team in a round robin league will eliminate that team from further competition and cause it to lose all participation points, and placement points. One forfeit by any team will result in the loss of half of that team's participation points.
- One forfeit in a single or double elimination tournament will eliminate said individual(s) or team from further competition.
- Any player or team forfeiting a contest in a single or double elimination tournament will lose all points accumulated up to that point. If during playoffs, all playoff points will also be lost.