High-risk alcohol use among students on college campuses remains a cause for concern. As such, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is committed to an environmental management approach that integrates programs, policies, and education for students.
No matter your role, you can help. Faculty, staff, parents and peers can influence alcohol use. Please use our Alcohol Messaging Guidelines.
Signs of Alcohol Poisoning or Overdose
- Someone is unconscious, semi-conscious or unresponsive.
- The individual cannot be roused or woken.
- Skin is cold, clammy, pale, bluish, and/or blotchy.
- Breathing is slow: eight or fewer breaths per minute.
- Lapses in breathing: more than 10 seconds between breaths.
- Exhibits mental confusion, stupor, or coma.
- Has seizures, convulsions, or rigid spasms.
- Vomits while asleep or unconscious and does not awaken.
ScreenU Tools — Each is a confidential, brief, web-based method that administers screening, brief intervention, and referral to college students. ScreenU identifies students who may be misusing alcohol, marijuana, or prescription drugs and provides feedback and strategies to reduce their risk of experiencing negative consequences.
E-cigarette Products: Sept. 6, 2019 — Outbreak of Lung Illness Associated with Using E-cigarette Products. "CDC, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), state and local health departments, and other clinical and public health partners are investigating a multistate outbreak of severe pulmonary disease associated with e-cigarette product (devices, liquids, refill pods, and/or cartridges) use. This investigation is ongoing and has not identified a cause, but all reported cases have a history of using e-cigarette products. If you do use e-cigarette products and you experience symptoms like those reported in this outbreak, seek medical care promptly."
A comprehensive list of campus resources for students concerned or struggling with alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.
Safety strategies and social norms messages based on facts about students at Nebraska.
Game day related alcohol messaging.
Relevant laws students should know and potential violation consequences.
Planning a party — tips for students planning parties in neighborhoods.
Real Nebraska students talk about what parties are like.
Learn more about our Campus-Community Alcohol Partnership.
Power of Parenting
Research shows the critical influence parents can play in a student's successful transition to college life. Having conversations about alcohol promotes an honest and open relationship, but leading those conversations can be daunting for parents. The Power of Parenting website provides communication tips and information about the social culture on the Nebraska campus to best equip parents to talk to students.