Outdoor Gear Rentals

Outdoor Gear Rentals

Climbing and paddling equipment stored in a container

Outdoor equipment is available for rent for students, members, and the public. All equipment is picked up from the Outdoor Adventures Center.

(402) 472-4777
930 N. 14th Street
Lincoln, NE 68583-0232
Gear Rental Request Form
Rental snow skis sit in a container.

Rental Packages & Rates

Rental Policies

Members, guests, and the public are eligible to rent equipment. A rental day is 24 hours.

  • Reservations must be paid in full at the time of reservation.
  • All rental equipment is to be used as intended by the manufacturer. Customers are encouraged to request a demonstration in the proper use of all equipment rental items prior to leaving the Outdoor Adventures Center.
  • Rented equipment must be returned on the due date and time on your receipt. Please allow up to 30 minutes to set-up gear upon rental return.
  • Late Fees will be charged for each item for each day more than the due date and time.
  • Cleaning, damage, or replacement fees may be assessed by staff upon rental return.
  • Items which are not returned within 3 days of the due date will be charged for 3 days of late fees per item, plus full replacement cost of the equipment.
  • Cancellation/Refund Policy
    • Cancellations more than 48 hours prior to the pick-up date/time = full refund
    • Cancellations within 48 hours prior to the pick-up date/time = no refund
  • Failure to return rental equipment or pay for the lost/damaged equipment may result in one or more of the following:
    • Suspension of rental privileges
    • Suspension of Campus Recreation facility access
    • Placing an academic hold on your registration and records
    • Submitting case to UNL (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Police

Cancellation & Refund Requests

Have a change of plans? Looking for a refund? Submit your cancellation and refund requests to be reviewed by Campus Recreation staff.

Submit a Request