Online media requests require 24 hours notice to be reviewed for acceptance. Same day requests will be rejected. First and Last Name Required Email Required Phone Required Type of Request Required - Select -PhotographyVideoNews InterviewOther Purpose/Intended Use Required - Select -Broadcast, print, digital or social mediaClass projectPersonal useOther If for broadcast/print/digital/social media, what is your organization or publication? If for a class project, what is the course name and number and the instructor's name? If other, please explain Requested Date and Time Required Requested Date and Time: Date Required Requested Date and Time: Time Required Location Required - Select -Campus Rec Center – City CampusOutdoor Adventures Center – City CampusRec and Wellness Center – East CampusOther Do you intend to film/photograph/interview people who are exercising or playing? Required - Select -Yes, but I’m bringing my own models/talent.Yes, the people who are there when I arriveNo Specific details of your project, story, or request: Required Leave this field blank